About Me

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A little bit cute.. a little bit chubby.. a little bit pretty.. a little bit blur.. a little bit clumsy.. a little bit lazy.. a little bit emo.. a little bit childish.. a little bit princess.. yes.. that's me

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Are we suppose to dream? or just tat we wanted to dream?
^^ have you ever thought of this question before in your life?
Why? Why do we dream?
i read an article in my english class..
"Dream Bigger Dreams" that's what the article was about..
and i'm impressed by that .. a lot
Why not?? We must dream bigger dreams, or shall i say.. we must dare to dream!!
if u dont dare to dream at all, how are you going to archieve your goals ?
Eventhough u might not be able to archieve what u want.. but at least.. u dream of having it before!
If you can find happiness in your dreams.. then why not???

and that's why.. i'm not looking for a cure .. at least not for this moment ^^
Some of you might think that.. aww.. she's such freak~ watever! i dont give a damn on it anyway ^^
i'm happy with the way i am~

Are you feeling the same as i am? ^^


peilin87 said...

i am agreed with you that dreams are important. Without dreams, i feel life is so dead & meaningless. Be brave to chase your dreams:) jia you!

Junhan said...

I got lots of dreams waiting for me to make them true and they are accumulating day after day...have bigger dreams leads your life into wider perspective.

AemC said...

haha a freak..but don't become too dreamy oo~~baba said:"life will be miserable if one doesn't even dare to dream."^^
