About Me

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A little bit cute.. a little bit chubby.. a little bit pretty.. a little bit blur.. a little bit clumsy.. a little bit lazy.. a little bit emo.. a little bit childish.. a little bit princess.. yes.. that's me

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i changed a lot?

someone commented.. i'm getting more n more quiet lately..
someone commented.. i'm getting more n more isolated lately..
someone commented.. i dont mix much wif the ppl around me lately..

i guess tat too.. i dont like to speak wif the ppl around me.. except my family.. except.. some of my good frens.. except my msia frens..
i dont really enjoy going out wif frens compare to last time.. i prefer.. having my own privacy.. own personal time..

since when? .. act quite long ago.. or i shall say.. it started 1 year ago..just tat lately ... seems like i'm getting serious.. n the ppl around me notice the changes in me..

i dont like to speak wif the frens around me.. as i feel the more i say.. the more mistakes i'll make..
sometimes.. i feel tat.. the things tat i say is kinda useless... to them..
sometimes.. i feel tat.. ppl dont really realise wat i want.. but of coz i didnt mention to them.. wat i really want..

wat happen to me?.. i'm getting sick...

i want b the old me too.. but it's hard.. the more things i c.. the more things i feel.. the more things i hear.. i feel tat it's hard to find b the old me.. n tat's y .. i choose to b alone..

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