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A little bit cute.. a little bit chubby.. a little bit pretty.. a little bit blur.. a little bit clumsy.. a little bit lazy.. a little bit emo.. a little bit childish.. a little bit princess.. yes.. that's me

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Favourite Food of All Time

hehehehe.... wanted to post this long long long time ago....
finally... here it is~~~

Name : zap guo suet
Location : hawker stall opposite sam tet primary school ipoh
Price : RM3.00 to RM 3.20 (it's really cheap~~~~~~~without ice cream will be cheaper, sorry forgot the real price...)
Speciality : lots lots lots of fruits~ honey dew, water melon, mango, long zhu guo, long gan, nangka, nata de koko, nuts, kiwi seed and etc~~~~ it has much much much more fruits compare to other places.. trust me!!!!
Time : only available at night :( sobz...

Just can't control myself from eating this. Everytime i come back... this is a must food for me to eat. :D

To those who's interested in trying this... pay a visit to ipoh and stay till night.. call me i'll bring u there wakaka.....


1 comment:

生番薯 said...

is tis da tradition food of Tham family??kh like it too....erm..LOVE
