About Me

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A little bit cute.. a little bit chubby.. a little bit pretty.. a little bit blur.. a little bit clumsy.. a little bit lazy.. a little bit emo.. a little bit childish.. a little bit princess.. yes.. that's me

Monday, July 14, 2008


tmr .. nono is today... is my 1st day of internship..

i hope everything will b fine..
i hope i wont cry..
i hope it can pass very fast..
i hope... i hope.. quite a lot but paise to write out...

lazy pig.. gonna start work d... aja aja fighting ~


Jëff @苦瓜阿嘉@ said...

u can dee...fighting!!!~

AemC said...

no prob one..treat it like different kind of 'schooling' can dee^^ gambatae nae..

Unknown said...

jia you^^
take things positively~
