About Me

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A little bit cute.. a little bit chubby.. a little bit pretty.. a little bit blur.. a little bit clumsy.. a little bit lazy.. a little bit emo.. a little bit childish.. a little bit princess.. yes.. that's me

Thursday, July 3, 2008


telling myself nvm nvm.. but act deep inside my heart.. i really mind..
mayb it's really fated... sad .. dissapointed... moody... oso useless..
life goes on well...

i do work hard like any other ppl...
i do tried my very best like any other ppl here...
i do think of the positive sides most of the time..
i do believe tat hardwork will make ppl success...

but after 3 times failure in a row..
i wanna say a da*n for it..
i dont wanna care a sh*t of it..

oni hardwork is not enough..
u need luck u need a smart brain..
wth is this world getting...

sorry i'm a bit emo.. oni today k?


Jëff @苦瓜阿嘉@ said...

jia you jia you..失败乃成功之母... some people said we always learn from falling...eventhough we cant always get wat we wan...but i think we'll gain experience from it...be happie!!!^^cheerssssss

AemC said...

aiks..saying the same thing to myself also@@all can be done now is handing all for the luck to decide.. or maybe hard work won't always bring the wanted results, or maybe thinking of the process than results will be better??cheers:D

i.m.not.perfect said...

cheer up may b u still got the chance
beside the che* u still did quite well in others rite
just stay happy n enjoy ur free time...
try to read the book n write 1 summary here...
i will mark it for u^^

crystal said...

thanks mr i'm not perfect.. i'm getting better d.. really ^^
